165 results

Understanding Greeks: step by step

The role of “Greeks” (or “sensitivities”) derivatives and structured products is very important. Greeks go hand in hand with option...

Credit: Single names v Indices

Credit-linked structured products offer investors the opportunity to pursue significantly higher yields compared to the risk-free rate...

Structured product distribution

Structured product distribution patterns vary significantly in different markets around the world. There are many reasons for...

Structured products linked to mutual funds

Most equity structured products are linked to indices, often using well-known benchmarks such as the S&P-500, Eurostoxx-50 or...

Exploring structuring with the Product Lab

At the 2024 SRP Americas Conference, a new session format was introduced. Titled “Product Lab”, the panel featured contributions from...

In search of value for money

Value for money testing as part of investor protection has become a central focus for regulators in recent years.


UK product maturities in 2024

Assessing performance of structured products is more complicated than for traditional investments such as funds because of their...

Greeks aggregation

In the previous article, we considered the definition and calculation of sensitivities, or “Greeks”, for individual structured...

Understanding Greeks

The role of “Greeks” in Structured Products and Derivatives is very important. The terminology of the Greeks was first adopted after...

Volatility controlled indices

Volatility controlled indices are a type of index that use algorithms to maintain a target level of volatility by adjusting exposure...

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