12 results

Stock decrement indices

An equity decrement index is a version of an index or stock where the dividend stream is replaced with a fixed dividend amount which...

UK Structured Product Market Study

The UK structured product market has had a strong start to 2022 continuing the pattern of increased issuance and sales volumes that...

Auto-calls with star quality

The structured products market covers a broad spectrum of product types and asset classes. Market participants have regularly created...

Green bonds in structured products

One good definition of a structured product is as a combination of a bond and a derivative element linked to the performance of an...

Navigating structured products in France

An in-depth look at any financial market over 2020 would undoubtably produce some interesting analysis. When looking back on volatile...

Increasing yield through variation in risk

Structured product plan manager IDAD have started 2021 by bringing an innovative variation on the standard kickout product to the UK...

Top three structured product underlyings globally

The three largest geographical regions in the structured products market are North America, Asia Pacific and Europe. In total these...

Proprietary indices in US structured products

Proprietary and custom indices have long made up a significant proportion of the US structured product market. A key feature of this...

Best performing structured products in the US market

The top ten performing products in the US in 2019 to-date are all linked to single stocks and paid returns of up to an equivalent of...

Kick-start product leads the way in Canada

The best performing product in Canada in January 2019 was linked to the iShares S&P/TSX Capped REIT Index ETF. This is the TD XRE...

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